Time Saving Tips for Webinars – Creating, Marketing and Delivering

Webinars can be time-consuming and costly, from the technology involved, to promoting the event, ensuring attendees and delivering. It can add up to be a lot of factors that can make the process overwhelming. However, it’s possible to simplify and optimise your webinar preparation with these three time saving tips for webinars.

Tip 1: Streamline Your Marketing Efforts

Preparing your marketing materials in a batch and in advance can be a huge time saver. Instead of reinventing the wheel for each promotion use a core strategy and then adapt to meet a few different messaging targets.

Don’t make promoting your webinar difficult or unenjoyable. Looks for ways to make it work with what you already do and leverage your strengths and habits.

Easy additions include: Add a call-to-action at the end of relevant content, mention it in videos, include a slide in your stories, email your subscriber list, talk about it at networking, add a link at the bottom of your most popular blogs. And remember to invite people you know and are connected with, especially if it will help them!

Don’t shy away from sales posts either, as they are crucial for conveying the value of your webinar. Remember, repetition is key, so ensure your message reaches your target audience multiple times. If they aren’t interested in seeing what you sell then they are unlikely to be interesting in buying from you.

Mix up different post lengths because right to the point can be very impactful. You don’t always have to explain why people should join.

Caveat – you don’t have to sit down and complete all your marketing in a single sitting. Just make sure you have some prepared BEFORE you announce the webinar so you feel ready.

Tip 2: Leverage Your Expertise

Focus on topics you are knowledgeable about and passionate about.

You already know so much more than many people on your topic. Don’t forget you’ve spent years of your life pursuing this in one way or another.

This approach saves time on research and allows you to confidently deliver valuable content. Identify the problems your audience faces and address them directly.

Position your webinar as a solution to their challenges, even if they are not fully aware of the underlying issues. Guide your audience toward the “lightbulb moment” where they can realise the true obstacles holding them back.

If your client thinks they need to perfect their social posts to get more engagement but you know that they need to work on their mindset… you need to target your messaging at engagement. Otherwise they’ll scroll on by because they don’t think that it’s mindset that is holding them back, they just need more engagement.

It’s your job as the expert to be able to position a webinar that helps them achieve what they need AND help them see that the bigger challenge to be conquered is the real work to be done.

YOU need to facilitate the lightbulb moment for your people.
“OMG engagement isn’t going to help if I’m terrified of sales calls I still won’t sign clients.”

By staying within your zone of genius, you’ll come across as credible and trustworthy.

Caveat – don’t think you can’t research, but if you find yourself researching the whole topic then it probably isn’t your zone of expertise.

Tip 3: Simplify Your Tech Setup

When starting out, you don’t need an extensive tech stack to host your first webinar. Avoid getting caught up in complicated platforms and opt for just the essential tools.

Fancy slides, funnels, 100 email long sequences and complex software are unnecessary (unless that is your jam, in which case go fancy).

Just the essential tools!

Remember scaling up can come later, if 50 people sign up immediately then go seek support to make sure you are ready. Seek recommendations from Facebook groups and your business peers for assistance when needed.

Remember, tech skills are learnable, so invest a bit of time to master the key aspects.

Caveat – working with what you have is often the best plan, but not if that is going to create an unmanageable workload or stress. Maybe now is the time to start that mailing list (or fix your webcam).

Bonus Tip: Optimise Your Webinar Length

(Because I couldn’t stop at three time saving tips for webinars)
There’s no ‘required’ length of a webinar, it can be 30 minutes or 3 hours. But consider the time constraints your audience, like you, face on a daily basis. Rather than a lengthy session, focus on being concise and delivering the core message effectively. Provide practical tips and clear explanations instead of overwhelming attendees with an extensive shopping list of actions that they need to take away and try.

Shorter webinars are often more appealing and manageable for both you and your audience.

Plus the shorter your webinar the less time you’ll need to practice!


Webinars don’t have to be a time-consuming burden. By implementing these time saving tips for webinars, you can optimize your webinar preparation, streamline marketing efforts, leverage your expertise, simplify technology, and deliver a concise and impactful webinar.

What tip do you need to use to make your webinars more efficient, sustainable, and successful?

If you need help setting up the content and structure for your webinar then join the free Webinar Designer webinar so you can leverage your time to create a compelling webinar that engages your audience AND builds your list and reputation. Register at www.subscribepage.io/webinar_designer class on Thursday 28th July 2023 at 10am AEST.

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