Overcoming the Overwhelm of Should’s

One of the quickest ways to reduce your productivity is by putting too many ‘should’s’ on your list. So let’s look at a couple of aspects to help you in overcoming the overwhelm of should’s.

A list that stretches around the block immediately makes you feel so far away from the end. How on earth are you going to get all of that done? Hello, overwhelm. Then add in a heap of ‘should do’ actions and your determination to get them finished disappears.

Overwhelm and productivity often do not go together well so let’s examine the ‘should’s’ and the cycle of trying to do too many things.

The Energy of Should

Doesn’t ‘should’ feel like an obligation, a chore, something you have to do even if you don’t want to?

It’s outside yourselves, it’s not something we are choosing to do. It makes everything feel heavy, even if that something is aligned to you, your strengths and your business. Even if that ‘should’ will help to grow your business. I ‘should’ ask that lead if they want to talk. I ‘should’ send that newsletter email to my list.

There is NOT one way to do business. But there is lots of advice.

I’m sure you already have a list of all the things that are ‘essential’ to having an online business. [Posting daily on socials, being in Facebook groups, sending a weekly newsletter, showing up in searches, networking, being on YouTube, writing a blog, having a podcast, guesting on other people’s platforms, having a Google business page, getting reviews on your platforms, testimonials, monthly webinars, 5-day challenges, etc, etc, etc].

The truth is you get to choose!

You don’t have to do them all, people have successful businesses without lots of these aspects. Without social media marketing, without huge email lists, without websites, without recording videos, etc.

What are the things you ‘want’ to do? The ones you would like and enjoy. Those that don’t feel like an obligation and a chore? Because you are going to show up more consistently because it’s easier and it’s aligned! Bringing 100% to a few rather than 60% to the whole list is going to make you more magnetic to potential clients because you are on top form.

The OUI Cycle

The other thing too many ‘should’s’ or even just too many things on our list actually results in is the OUI cycle. Overwhelmed by too many things leading to lots of items being unfinished, which means you are inconsistent. Then you become overwhelmed trying to catch up on the unfinished and trying to force the consistency. Around and around it goes.

We need to examine the reason we put all these things on the list in the first place. I’d suggest because we’ve heard them from gurus, experts, mentors. And it’s true these things maybe the things that worked for them. But you are not them. Introverts fairly fit into extroverts strategies and vice-versa. Natural writers fairly fit neatly into natural speakers tactics. Doing guest interviews on podcasts instead of writing guest posts on blogs.

Yet we wonder why we feel like an imposter when at the same time we are trying to fit someone else’s rules, someone’s else’s strengths, someone else’s beliefs about what it takes to succeed in business.

You are allowed to do it your way.

What are the things that align with your natural strengths, talents and abilities? This is how you are going to make the list feel easier and achievable. And I’d suggest it’s going to reduce the resistance. Because even though the activities might be outside your comfort zone they still align with your natural abilities.

Overcoming the Overwhelm of Should’s

If you put all the things on your list each week, it’s going to take a mammoth effort to get through them all. And in reality, you’re probably going to be more overwhelmed than productive. So how else can you start overcoming the overwhelm of should’s?

Question your should’s:

  • are they enjoyable to do consistently?
  • are they aligned to your natural abilities?
  • will they take you closer to the result you want?

What stays and what disappears? And remember it doesn’t have to be forever, experiment and see what happens.

If you need help tackling your busywork so you can consistently get more of the important work to grow your business then get in touch for a free chat about how we could work together.

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Overcoming the Overwhelm of Shoulds The Overwhelm of Shoulds