Improve Your To-Do List with Goals

Whether you subscribe to a brain-dump to-do list or the three most important things method, achieving more is a priority for most solopreneurs. But you already know productivity isn’t just about ticking off pointless items. You have outcomes you’d like to achieve in mind, and you can improve your to-do list with goals.

So whats the difference?

Goal : noun : the object of a person’s ambition; an aim or desired result.
To-Do List : noun : a list of tasks that need to be completed.

The key difference is a to-do list itemises required actions or tasks, input activities, whereas a goal is generally an outcome.

In order to reach a goal, you’re going to need to undertake certain actions. This might not be a formal to-do list. But to-do lists help us plan the activities we need to undertake, see what we have already completed and what still needs to be done.

Can you achieve a goal without a to-do list? Probably but you are going to need to keep track of the activities mentally.

Can you finish a to-do list and not reach a goal? Of course, especially if the items on that to-do list aren’t linked to your goals…

Improve Your To-Do List with Goals

You can improve your to-do list by aligning the activities with your goals. The two aspects should work in partnership. Your goals determining your actions and your actions achieving the goals.

If your goals include sign five new clients, make $5,000 and work 25 hours this week then you need to figure out the inputs to those goals. Those inputs are the items that should be on your to-do list. Ask what actions that will create the results. And those are some of the most important items on your to-do list.

It’s also really helpful to determine the frequency of actions. Some maybe be a ‘once and done’ like setting up your website. Other actions might be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Specific, Measurable, Action-Based, Realistic and Timely

Whatever goal-setting acronym you subscribe to, the strength and clarity of your goals will impact how clearly you can determine the actions.

Sign five new clients might need more detail around when, at what price, over what time period, on what package, etc. If you’ve never signed a client before and aren’t sure what services you want to offer it might not be realistic to have that goal for the next 21 days.

Better To-Do Lists

Everything on your to-do list should link to a larger goal. Otherwise, you might need to question if that action is leading you anywhere or is it just busywork? And I’d suggest you break down your goals into action lists, acknowledging not everything will go onto your to-do list immediately. The actions may change over time but you know how you think you’ll progress each item.

Go grab your goals and your to-do list and start marrying the two together. Not everything is cause and effect especially in the immediate term but are they connecting and collaborating or disconnected and disjointed? And make sure to revisit your goals each time you start a new to-do list.

Personally, I love a weekly brain dump list. My weekly fundamentals go on first, content marketing, exercise, following up with clients and leads. Then my client appointments for the week. Then my personal appointments, learning and all the fun stuff I’d like to achieve. It doesn’t always get finished but I like choice and a fresh list each week allows me to review what is outstanding and think about why that is rather than shoving it back on the list week after week.

If you need my help clarifying your goals and most important tasks to create a thriving business then reach out for a free chat.

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Improve Your To-Do List With Goals Improving Your To-Do List with Goals

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