Make Bookkeeping Interesting

The three main complaints about bookkeeping are it’s deadly boring, it takes a long time and it’s hard. This week we are going to look at how you can make bookkeeping interesting. Last week we looked at how to make bookkeeping quicker and next week how we can make bookkeeping easier.

Admittedly there is a lot of data processing in doing your bookkeeping and data processing isn’t the most interesting job in the world. But a change in perspective can help you make bookkeeping interesting.

1. Opportunity

Every piece of data is an opportunity for you to learn more about your business. Where does the money come into your business and where does it go back out again? Those simple facts can help you make decisions about where your efforts in marketing are producing results and where you are getting good value from your purchases.

Secondly, you can also pay attention to how you feel about money. Do you feel good when a client pays their invoice or do you feel guilty because you didn’t work hard to earn it? Are you excited about spending $250 on training or are you worried that you might need that in future and you aren’t sure it’s a wise investment?

There’s also a longer-term perspective that can be interesting to discover, how do business income and expenses change over the year, how does this year compare to this time last year, how does this month compare to the same month last year? Looking into these and seeing if you can spots patterns, trends and causes can help your business thrive. Read more about maximising these opportunities.

2. Learning

Think about doing your bookkeeping as a learning experience, especially at the beginning. If you like learning new things then bookkeeping can be one of those things. Each time a new challenge comes up you can learn how to deal with it.

Learning to keep your business finances in order is a skill for life as a business owner. Dealing with finance does not go away when your business grows. In fact, it becomes more important, taxes are bigger, employees rely on being paid and your personal finances rely on the money you make in business.

3. Environment

Create the environment you enjoy. You do not need to be sitting at a desk, in your best corporate outfit with complete silence to complete your bookkeeping. You can do it anywhere your computer, smartphone or tablet goes. Tucked up in bed. Music on. Pyjamas on. Cup of your favourite drink.

Those other elements of how you approach your bookkeeping can help to make it enjoyable. You can also follow up a successful bookkeeping session with a treat or reward, even if that’s a guilt-free ten minutes sitting in the garden.

Would changing your attitude with these tips help to your make bookkeeping interesting?

Need Help to Make Bookkeeping Interesting?

If you need help seeing the opportunity, learning and creating an enjoyable environment for your bookkeeping get in touch for a free 30-minute chat. We review where you are, where you are going and what you might need to do between the two.

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Make Bookkeeping More Interesting Make Bookkeeping Interesting

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  1. Pingback: Make Bookkeeping Easier - Claire Wright

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