Avoiding Your Finances – Sign Seven!

Through December and January we are looking at some of the signs that show up when you’re avoiding your finances. If you want the video summary and my tips on addressing some of the signs then head over to bit.ly/wa7signs and register for the email series.

This last sign is one that takes some self-awareness to notice. It seems like it’s productive. You are getting things ticked off your to-do list. But you’re prioritising everything else over managing your money.

  • Procrasti-cleaning
  • Procrasti-baking
  • Procrasti-scrolling

What’s your favourite procrastination?

Procrastinating or Avoiding Your Finances

And it isn’t just other tasks. Avoiding your finances can show up as buying all the things to avoid having to actually deal with the money in your account.

In business this can be working for free, or feeling like you somehow owe the world because “people are doing it tough”.

  • Money isn’t wrong.
  • Money isn’t a value of your self-worth.
  • You aren’t greedy to be taking care of your money.

Money is an exchange of value or energy. And it allows you to use those dollars to create the world you want to live in. Whether that’s supporting animal charities or buying from the local farmer’s market. Supporting local businesses or offsetting your flight with carbon initiatives. There are many ways you can channel your money as a vote towards something better.

Taking care of yourself has a financial aspect. If you aren’t managing those finances then are you doing yourself a disservice in the self-care department?

What could you do this week to streamline and make your finance life easier?

Sign up for my three tips on dealing with this sign of avoiding your finances at bit.ly/wa7signs. You’ll get access to all the tips on all the signs that show you’re avoiding your finances and special bonus content only in the emails.

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Avoiding Your Finances Sign Seven Avoiding Your Finances Sign Seven

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