Avoiding Your Money Sign Six

Through December and January we are looking at some of the signs that show up when you’re avoiding your money. If you want the video summary and my tips on addressing some of the signs then head over to bit.ly/wa7signs and register for the email series.

This sign is one of the easiest excuses. One I hear through out society and I wish I could take away this false statement.

You don’t need to be good at maths to be good at managing your money.

You don’t need to be right brained or analytical to be good at managing your finances.

Maybe in the past this was true, 50 years ago being able to mentally calculate was essential to work in accountancy. But now it’s optional but useful. The software takes care of the data calculations.

Creatives and Avoiding Your Money

Being creative or left-brained doesn’t have to stop you. Have you started a business and navigated your way through a website set up?  Or set yourself up with a business plan or marketing strategy to attract clients. Then you have enough logical processing capacity to be able to learn what you need to about finance.

Life is a series of processes and systems. Brushing your teeth is a process. Plaiting hair is a process. Looking after yourself is a system – a series of mini processes put together.

Looking after your finances are just different kinds of processes and we bring them together into a system.

I know you can’t be amazing at all the things but I really do believe every person I’ve met who is running a business is able to deal with their finances.

What could you do this week to streamline and make your finance life easier?

Sign up for my three tips on dealing with this sign of avoiding your money at bit.ly/wa7signs.

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Sign Six Creative Sign Six Maths


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